Miniguy = Cuteness Incarnate
Miniguy, Miniguy is my brothers constant refrain. He does so enjoy the pleasure of sitting on people's legs for hours at a time. The art of repetition is well known to the males of my family, Bryant, however, is the worlds foremost authority.
He is rather persistent. He says "toysin" instead of poison.
He is absolutely adorable.
He wants to be a scuba diving monkey (blue) when he grows up.
He takes after Liam in the respect to everything, including the annoying, cute, hopeful, sad puppy eyes they pull on me a ton. My life is practically based on them. And reading.
I love him a lot, so if you love your child, buy Pampers extra absorb.....
Nah, just kidding. The American life is overrun with diaper commercials.
So anyway, the kid is a happy, healthy, hearty eating, bawling, adorable little bugger who is sometimes clumsier than me. That is saying a lot.
So if you also have a little bugger (doesn't have to be a boy) comment please.