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Are You Ready For Sanda Claus?

We are now in the time of love, joy, and lots of hectic shopping.

We will enjoy our winter festivities of happy surfing, suntanning, and pretending that we are in summer.

I personally will be in the one place hotter than hell (no offense meant to my dearest FL cousins) sweating out the season of snow.

We all love the holidays, with new and expensified things to get, and excuses for gaining weight in plenty.

Alas, I probably won't be telling y'all all about my excursions until later, for I don't really know how to post from my phone. Sad.

So anyway, I wanted to give you a heads up.

The happy part is that I am bringing lots of books, and I plan to read..... a LOT. Not to mention enjoying the beach the old-fashioned redhead way (wrapped in towels).

So yes, adios, amigos, and enjoy your Christmas shopping at Macy's and TJ Max and..........

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