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I'm back!!!!

Hello, my peeps! It is great to be back in the cold, windy, squirrel infested mountains again.

I would have posted sooner, but alas, my keyboard went AWOL on me. On the bright side, it started working again!!! So, Me-e-rry Christmas, and a Hap-py New Year! speaking of new year, let me hear a round of applause for Liam, who just hit the big 1-1! Happy B-day, brother! So, how were your holidays? What did you eat? Etcetera, etcetera, etc?

So, now its story time. My favorite part of the holidays was reading, playing video games, and making a paper mache piñata. My favorite practical joke was going to the neighbor's house with two inflatable dinosaurs in tow ( my cousins). My least favorite part was (I'm not saying here), who drives me crazy. All in all, It wasn't terrible.

So yes, happy birthday Liam, until next time Santa, out with old grimy 2017 and in with shiny chrome plated Honda HR-V... I mean, 2018. So, that is a nutshell of my holidays. See ya!

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