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Yes, Pun Intended....

LOL!!! We love our puns, don't we? I know some, but I'm sure y'all could easily smash me into the ground. Do you like Star Wars? I do. My favorite character is Hans #YOLO.

Oh me. That makes sense, doesn't it? I'm gonna write all my puns down on the whiteboard.* Whiteboards are re-markable.

I'm a bit distracted right now, because the family leaf blower isn't working.* It sucks. I heard a really good joke about a boomerang earlier. I'm sure it will come back to me eventually.

The world is weird, as I often say to myself, "I can't believe that cloning machine worked!" Then I realized that I'm not making any cents, so I quit.*

Here's another funny one. If Satan ever lost his hair, there would be hell toupee.

Hope this ridiculous post brightened your day!

Now, excuse me, I've got to go to an emotional wedding. Even the cake will be in tiers.*

*none of the stuff on this post is true.

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