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Let's Just Be Happy.

What is happiness? Is it the ancient "Happily Ever After", something we all have in our destinies? Is it what you get get from being healthy, rich, and "safe" religiously?

Happiness is a choice, the kind of choice you have to keep making, every day. That choice to wake up in the morning and say, with a smile on your face, "Good morning, world, hello, universe." I will tell you, just the arrangement of your jaw muscles improves your mood.

Yes, happiness is a choice, and you will be glad when you make it consistently. I'm not saying that you have to be a glass-always-overflowing kind of person. Just be glad there is water. And try to swim, take a walk, or get away from your worries. You will be happier for it.

But it is not just the things we do that affect our mood.

The people that we are around do more to us than we know.

If your buddies are all negative-thinking, "joking" at your expense, and bad sports; no offense, but it might be time to get some new friends.

And it goes the other way around. If your version of fun is drastically different than someone else's, they might not enjoy being around you for being too rough, or sarcastic, etc.

We've all heard the expression "glass half full" before.

But it's not just a cliche. Its true. If you successfully focus on what you have instead of what you don't have, life will be easier.

I was thinking about this a lot when I was reading the other day. I have this reading assignment for a series by C. S. Lewis called the Space Trilogy. It is really deep, but good. I am on the second book, Perelandra. There is a part which I found fascinating. One of the characters was talking about the subject of happiness. "I walk the path of life with my own feet, when I thought I was being carried". What do you think this means?

To be continued...

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