My Favorite Poem/Let's Just Be Happy Pt. 2

You may recall the post I did a while back, Let's Just Be Happy
Recently, I began to really enjoy reading poetry. I discovered an online poet, Erin Hansen. I also began to make a poem compilation from the ones I really enjoyed..
Here is my favorite:
You were born to be a rainstorm,
To send your voice throughout the night,
To sing your song with falling raindrops,
To break the darkness with your light.
You were born to show raw beauty,
To wash the dirt out from their eyes,
But the whole world ran for cover
When you opened up your skies,
So you made your thunder silent,
And learnt to bite your rainy tongue,
You gave them what they thought they wanted,
You gave them life with endless sun.
But as they watched their lives grow weaker,
Watched as their leaves turned brown and dry,
They wished they didn't take for granted,
Your booming presence in the sky.
You were born the be a rainstorm,
To be chaotic and be bold,
To show the beauty in the knowledge,
That you cannot be controlled.
So you might not think you're needed,
Life without you is the same,
But nothing beautiful would ever grow,
If it wasn't washed with rain.
I really love this poem. I think that words should be read like music, with inflection and color, (though some audiobook recorders disagree with me) and I think that Erin Hansen did a wonderful job with this.
Also, don't we all need a reminder that it is ok to be yourself? I really struggle with this, and often feel that my personality is too strong to be likable. Fortunately, I have a lot of friends who are absolutely wonderful, and for some reason, seem to actually enjoy spending time with me. That kind of encouragement, even in little things, can make a huge difference. So, today I'm going to give you a challenge: build someone up. It doesn't have to be in a noticeable way, but if someone realizes that they are appreciated, even for a little thing, it really makes their day better.
And there is a reward. Making others happy gives you little warm feeling inside, a happy bubble.
You've probably heard the expression "Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff everywhere". And you probably thought that it was kind of lame. That's ok! I know I did. But through living life, I've come to realize that being happy is pretty much based on how much you let those around you get to you. This means that nobody can touch your happy place if you don't let them. You can be a little lantern, lighting up someones day with a smile.
But, you can also be a rainstorm. Let your thoughts out. Push yourself to be positive, to greet the day with a smile and a wave.
So, whatever else today, just remember: You were born to be a rainstorm, to send your voice throughout the night, to sing your songs with falling raindrops, to break the darkness with your light.
Keep living, my friends, and let your life be bright!