(Literally) Everything On a Waffle

I'm sure we have all had waffles. They are a common and widely applauded breakfast item, made by pouring dough onto a griddle made for the purpose.
They are delicious, and as such I am not surprised that there is a book named after them.
Ok, the book isn't actually about waffles, but the waffles are important.
The book is called Everything On A Waffle, and it is one of the sweetest and most uplifting books I have ever read.
And, I get to discuss it with my book club!
Everything On A Waffle is about a young girl, Primrose, who loses her parents at sea.
I know, it sounds sad, and in a way it is. But it is also witty and fun. No matter how bad things get, you just keep rooting for Primrose. If anyone can make it, she can.
The author, Polly Horvath, is one of the writers that I personally idolize. Her style is fun and very engaging. I hope to emulate her in my own writing.
I hope y'all can join me on the 17th of December, 2019, to discuss this awesome book.
Eat some waffles, I'll be bringing them to the library for a tailgating waffle eating contest*.
Keep reading!
*Maple syrup provided.